Hailing a Go-Jek?

Find the price of your Go-Jek Ride

What is Go-Jek?

Learn how to use the Go-Jek app

Find out if Go-Jek is supported

in your city

How much does a Go-Jek ride cost? Find the price of your Go-Jek before you go!

GoJekFareFinder calculates the cost of your Go-Jek motorbike ride. Simply enter your starting and ending locations to get the fare estimate for your Go-Jek ride.

Learn how much Go-Jek costs in 5 different Indonesian cities, plan for future travel, and know when to avoid rush hour pricing!

Gojek fares from {{ origin_data.address }} to {{ destination_data.address }}

Trip is {{ trip.distance.value / 1609.34 | number : 1 }} mi, {{ trip.duration.value / 60 | number : 0 }} mins

{{ r.entity.display_name }}

{{ li.explanation }} {{ li.charge_text }}
Total {{ r.totalFareText() }}
This ride may be subject to the following flat rate:
: {{ fr.rate | currency:r.currency.symbol:2 }}
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What is Gojek?

Go-Jek is an on-demand motorbike hailing service in Indonesia that allows users to request a ride through their Android or iPhone app. Once you request your ride through the Go-Jek app, your driver and vehicle will start heading to your location to pick you up. At this moment, due to driver availability, you may have to wait about 15 minutes for your driver to arrive at your location. After your ride you will be asked to rate your Go-Jek driver and the drivers will be able to see what you have rated them. While Go-Jek prices are very reasonable, it is important to note that Go-Jek does raise their rates during Rush Hour (4-7 PM)! Also, please note that the maximum ride distance for a Go-Jek ride is 25 km, if you need to go farther than 25 km you will have to switch Go-Jeks part way through your journey. Go-Jek allows you to pay through the app via a credit card or, if you would rather, you can still pay your driver in cash.

What cities does Gojek support?

  • Jakarta
  • Bali
  • Bandung
  • Surabaya
  • Makassar

What rideshare services does Gojek offer?

© Copyright 2016 Unleashed, LLC

GojekFareFinder™ is not affiliated with Gojek®. If you have any questions, please contact us.